Meet Stella

enGAGE Mobility is excited to introduce our next grant recipient. Eight-year-old Stella is a sweet and fierce girl from Ozark, MO. Stella has an SCN8A disorder resulting in epilepsy and cerebral palsy, among other things. Her dad is a high school history teacher and her mom is a director of a nonprofit that helps other […]

Walker Family Grant

On a dreary day at the end of October, Emma Walker’s family received an uplifting delivery, in more ways than one. Emma’s grandpa, a.k.a. Papa Jimmy, traveled from Georgia to drive her accessible van to their home in Republic, MO. The Toyota Sienna was outfitted with a rear-entry ramp by Purple Ribbon Mobility. Purple Ribbon […]

Next Grant Recipient Selected

by Hannah Wingo  enGAGE Mobility is excited to announce our next grant recipient — Emma Walker of Republic, MO. Emma’s family will receive $15,000 from enGAGE to go towards their van in October 2023. Emma is seven years old and attends Sweeny Elementary. She has a contagious smile and doesn’t let things slow her down, although she battles epilepsy […]

Embrace Your Experience

There are many aspects of our journey that are painful and at times hard to bear, but I cannot control these things, just like I cannot control when my grief decides to reappear. But what I can control is how I respond to these situations.

Accept Help

By Michelle “IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD” –AFRICAN PROVERB While we were slowly moving forward, I quickly realized how isolating our new journey was going to be. Research has shown that people who have unique experiences tend to report less positive feelings and a sense of exclusion compared to those who had […]

Spring Forward!

young girl in wheelchair wearing a colorful striped sun dress

By Sarah Well, it’s that time of year again. The time of year where we move our clocks forward an hour. Ugh. That’s how I feel about it. Ha. I’m not a natural early bird and I feel like I’m “losing” an hour to get that proverbial worm anyway. So tragic. This year I’m grateful […]

Just Keep Going

By Michelle “WE MUST KEEP GOING. AND SO, IF YOU CAN’T FLY, RUN. IF YOU CAN’T RUN, WALK. IF YOU CAN’T WALK, CRAWL. BUT BY ALL MEANS, KEEP MOVING.” –MARTIN LUTHER KING JR, 1967 I have never been a fan of winter. Every year while in the middle of another brutal Missouri winter, I question […]


By Sarah I used to have these colorful little notes stuck around the edges of my computer monitor — reminders, quotes, inspiration. At some point, I added one stating, “Success = making others feel loved.” As I was trying to find the words to share what an incredible opportunity we have through enGAGE Mobility, I […]

Birthday Wish

By Hannah Introducing Eliana. This gorgeous girl celebrated her 9th birthday on New Year’s Eve 2022—the same week she was selected by the enGAGE Mobility Board of Directors as the first grant recipient! Here’s a little more about Eliana, aka Eli. On New Year’s Eve 2013, Eli made her way into the world, proudly welcomed […]


By Hannah In the time that’s passed since I first shared a desire God put on my heart to help families get the vehicles they need, I’ve heard some feedback from other parents. It is so familiar and relatable. Words like, “your situation is so similar to ours,” or “getting our new van changed our […]